We are welcome you to use our space to make art event, cooking event, party, etc..
Recent events for 1st week
Recent events for 1st week
17 May 19:00 Yu Bogong "cooking night"
Bar owner Yu Bogong welcomes you come to eat his dinner:) creative cuisine inspired by Dongbei
(east-China) food!
17 May 21:30 Kristiina Koskentla “Prophetic Prediction Agency (PPA)”
A collaborative project by artists Kristiina Koskentola, Megumi Shimizu, Yu Bogong and
Qianlong performing magical fortune telling.
Prophetic Prediction Agency (PPA) is based on and translating ancient Finnish tradition of fortune telling
through magical figures, which emerge from a ritual of melting miniature horseshoes made of tin,Utilizing
high levels of mental and spiritual energy contributed by the members of thePPA, during the VODKA art
projects, the artists as oracles will perform this ritual of transmutation and predict the future to the believers
among the audience.
20 May 18:00 Kristiina Koskentla "Eating Disorders"
A performance/ research by cooking and shearing a meal, by Kristiina Koskentola
With her cooking performance the artist is reflecting on the complexities of translation, migratory identities,
authenticity and belonging and global (and local) trades of food.
Through experimental interpretations of recipes of, for the artist, unknown dishes from unknown regions of
China, the cooking performance becomes a dialogue, an act of listening to and negotiating with each other.
By means of food, sharing a meal and being together it opens up a further debate, not only on the success
and failure of the taste of the produced dishes, their visual presentation or the methods of cooking but on
urgent issues related to the politics of food and migratory identities.
23 May 18:00 Alessandro Rolandi "Permutations"
One of the most interesting theories behind pre-historical cave painting, is the one that associates
these artworks to the practice of eating and drinking allucinogenic plants and mashrooms often found
to be growing spontaneously outside in the caves surroundings.Since then, the idea that different
substances can help to unleash creativity and artistic practice has accompanied the whole history of
humanities.Inspired by the experiments of several alchemist-poets from the XIX century I want to
propose a simple situation to renovate the capacity to explore our unconscious in a poetic way and
share it with others.With the aim to use elements of mathematics and chemistry for a non-functional,
spiritual-driven purposes.
Alessandro Rolandi will use wine and coffee, two common beverages of our daily life, whose symbolic
meaning and use has accompanied the history of humanity.
Pls join his plan with empty stomach:)
Bar owner Yu Bogong welcomes you come to eat his dinner:) creative cuisine inspired by Dongbei
(east-China) food!
17 May 21:30 Kristiina Koskentla “Prophetic Prediction Agency (PPA)”
A collaborative project by artists Kristiina Koskentola, Megumi Shimizu, Yu Bogong and
Qianlong performing magical fortune telling.
Prophetic Prediction Agency (PPA) is based on and translating ancient Finnish tradition of fortune telling
through magical figures, which emerge from a ritual of melting miniature horseshoes made of tin,Utilizing
high levels of mental and spiritual energy contributed by the members of thePPA, during the VODKA art
projects, the artists as oracles will perform this ritual of transmutation and predict the future to the believers
among the audience.
20 May 18:00 Kristiina Koskentla "Eating Disorders"
A performance/ research by cooking and shearing a meal, by Kristiina Koskentola
With her cooking performance the artist is reflecting on the complexities of translation, migratory identities,
authenticity and belonging and global (and local) trades of food.
Through experimental interpretations of recipes of, for the artist, unknown dishes from unknown regions of
China, the cooking performance becomes a dialogue, an act of listening to and negotiating with each other.
By means of food, sharing a meal and being together it opens up a further debate, not only on the success
and failure of the taste of the produced dishes, their visual presentation or the methods of cooking but on
urgent issues related to the politics of food and migratory identities.
23 May 18:00 Alessandro Rolandi "Permutations"
One of the most interesting theories behind pre-historical cave painting, is the one that associates
these artworks to the practice of eating and drinking allucinogenic plants and mashrooms often found
to be growing spontaneously outside in the caves surroundings.Since then, the idea that different
substances can help to unleash creativity and artistic practice has accompanied the whole history of
humanities.Inspired by the experiments of several alchemist-poets from the XIX century I want to
propose a simple situation to renovate the capacity to explore our unconscious in a poetic way and
share it with others.With the aim to use elements of mathematics and chemistry for a non-functional,
spiritual-driven purposes.
Alessandro Rolandi will use wine and coffee, two common beverages of our daily life, whose symbolic
meaning and use has accompanied the history of humanity.
Pls join his plan with empty stomach:)